I've been at competition practice all day today, but I'm finally able to sit down and write an update for the blog!
I'm coordinating with some friends who are in drama, asking if they want to act in my film opening. But I've been thinking about the aesthetic I want my characters to portray. And with costume design, I'm a bit confused on what I should do.
I was thinking of having the Boyfriend character dress in blue tones and Girl #2 dress in pink tones to symbolize her confusion about being attracted to the male or female gender. But is that regressive???
Gender is a social construct, and assigning the color pink to females and blue to males is outdated!!!! I want these two characters to visually symbolize her questioning of her sexuality, but I'm not quite sure how to show it. I think I'm going to ask some classmates and fellow TV and film connoisseurs for a second opinion.
I'm a really big fan of the vintage, retro color palette I've been seeing in films and TV shows recently. I've always loved the aesthetic as well.

These two color palettes from Quentin
Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
are a really good example of the colors
I want to include in my film opening.
This is a stylistic choice,
hopefully this will not be taken in the wrong idea.
Once I create deeper background for my characters, I think I will try to include color hues and tones that will symbolize their personas.
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